Satellite weather images on PDA
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Process images with WXtoIMG

Download freeware version of program here:



  • Stunning colour images day and night ,
  • real-time display of image data sent from satellite,
  • creates 3-D images showing cloud layers (includes special glasses for viewing),
  • completely automated recording, decoding, and web page production and publishing (see Images ),
  • supports a wide range of enhancements .
  • creates composite images covering a wide area from multiple polar satellite passes,
  • creates animated movies from multiple satellite passes,
  • works well with communications receivers and scanners ( example scanner images ),
  • GPS interface for setting position and keeping the PC clock set accurately,
  • transforms images to standard map projections (Mercator, etc.),
  • overlay maps with adjustable colours, text, and feature sets,
  • temperature under cursor display,
  • satellite elevation and azimuth under cursor,
  • latitude and longitude under cursor display,
  • distance and bearing from ground station under cursor display,
  • IR temperature and sea surface temperature calibration,
  • command line operation for embedded applications,
  • support for control of receivers: AOR (AR3000, AR5000, etc.), Bearcat (BC895XLT, BC780XLT, BC245XLT, etc.), Yaesu (FT-817, FT-847, VR-5000, etc.), Kenwood (TS-870S, etc.), ICOM (IC-PCR100, IC-PCR1000, IC-R7000, IC-R7100, IC-R8500, IC-R9000, IC-R10, etc.) R2F, R3F, R2FX, RX2, Timestep PROscan with i-interface, SAN 200, WRX-137, and user supplied external including doppler frequency compensation for narrow bandwidth receivers **, and
  • support for rotor controllers: CX6DD, DL7AOT, EASYCOMM I, GS-232A, LVB Tracker, RC2800, SAEBRTrack, SatDrive, and Satellite Tracker Jr. **.

WXtoImg makes use of the 16-bit sampling capabilities of soundcards to provide better decoding than is possible with expensive purpose-designed hardware decoders.

WXtoImg comes in a basic freeware version that provides a large range of features. Improved automation, new enhancements, a wider variety of options, projection transformations and improved quality images from communications receivers and scanners are available by upgrading the software.


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